Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The really fast post

The deadline for my book with Josh Bleill is bearing down, so what do I do? I post something here. That's pretty much normal behavior during deadlines, especially as I retool my brain to move from chapter 11 which I just finished, to chapter 12 which I hope to knock out in three hours or less. That would be a record, by the way. I am very excited about this book, even more so knowing it comes out in two months. That's crazy fast. You can order the book now at Amazon.com (One Step at a Time: A Young Marine's Story of Courage, Hope and a New Life in the NFL). I'm thinking about ordering a copy so I can find out how it ends. In the meantime, I appreciate your prayers as I finish this mad dash toward an insanely tight deadline. Pray that the book will glorify God above all else. I think it could be a life changer for readers. That's my goal for all my books.